Graziella Lasi - Regulatory manager - Granarolo SpA (Bologna)

"Ms. Lattuca has collaborated with Granarolo in the development of English translations of publicity materials with technical specifications about our products. The work was precise and accurate and have been met deadlines. For us, it is a reliable professional."

Elisa Zanotti Fragonara - Events and press office - Identità Golose (Milano)

"I have worked with Linda Lattuca at the launch of a Marsala new line of products from the historical Sicilian winery Carlo Pellegrino. It has been a positive and rewarding experience, from a personal and  professional point of view Qualities of Linda that I recommend: enthusiasm, accuracy, organisational skills, attention to detail, generosity, punctuality and expertise, fueled by the constant updating and a spontaneous curiosity. They are aspects that Linda is able to reproduce in interpersonal relationships. After our first work experience was inevitable to establish a relationship of friendship with Linda that never ceases to amaze me. She knows how to be 'volcanic' (bubbly) as her homeland."

Giorgia Petrotta - Project manager at "Soluzioni d'Impresa" (Palermo) for

I.F.O. (Illegal Flow Observation) EU Project for the "Fight to illegal drug trafficking"

"Professionalism, Punctuality, Precision, Pleasant (to be with her): these are the 4Ps of Linda Lattuca. I got to know and appreciate her during the project IFO (Illegal Flow Observation), a European initiative for which Linda Lattuca oversaw the translations from 'Italian into English and partly from Spanish into English and even from Spanish into Italian. Thanks to her multiple skills in various areas, our collaboration has gone beyond the simple translations."

Francesco Passantino - ITC Consultant

"Linda is a very good communicator and manage the job more than it is required. She has an unique combination of copywriting with marketing vision and profound knowledge of new media. Linda is social engaged and always helpful to other people. A nice personality to work with. She is focused to result and get things done. You can always rely on her. She is always on time."