Language coaching: What is it?

Language coaching is similar to any other coaching situation whether it be a basketball coach, a personal trainer or a life coach. A coach’s job is not to play the game or do the workout or live the life of the athlete or person, but rather to help create training situations, offer feedback, provide encouragement and give direction to help facilitate the most effective and efficient learning program for each individual. As a language coach, my role is to assist you as a learner:

- To help you create a personal language learning plan;

- To give you loads of ideas and activities for learning the language;

- To connect you with the best resources for learning;

- To stay encouraged, motivated and excited about learning the language;

- To give you a measure of accountability to help you reach your goals;

- To provide a thorough assessment of your proficiency and the methods you are using to learn.

Language coaching is a term which normally refers to English language learning and teaching but with a special emphasis on a coach encouraging learner independence or autonomous learning in higher-level learners of the language. As a greater proportion of the globalised world uses English as a lingua franca, there are also greater numbers of competent users of English who benefit more from a coach providing language support than a teacher in the traditional sense. In a globalised world, English communication and personal success are increasingly interdependent and thus language coaching has aspects in common with life coaching.

How does it work?

As your language coach, I will work one on one to find what works best for you to be the best language learner you can be. We will do this with coaching sessions, meetings of around an hour in which we will review your progress, discuss issues and create action steps for you to work toward. Coaching sessions generally happen via video conference with Skype. We can be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly though some folks just like to meet once to get things off to a good start. Whatever works best for you! As part of the coaching program I will also happily field questions you have in between sessions via email.

Coaching clients receive:

- Coaching sessions via Skype, by phone or in person (only for companies);

- Unlimited email access for questions;

- Assessment the language ability.

Send me an email to to know my rates.